Friday, May 23, 2014

Day Two

Yay, I'm back! Lets see if I keep this up for more than a few days. It'd be a first.

Today, I got my hair cut. New me for a new lifestyle. I also picked up a few new pairs of clothes....something that I realize is sort of silly if I lose weight, but they were cheap and they make me feel happy. And I really needed some. Most of my clothes have some form of paint on them. The hazards of working in the paint department and being me.

In any case, I was pretty good today food wise. Ate my normal size breakfast, didn't snack at work or anything, but then I went overboard on lunch. I had veggies and cheese (good!) but then I also ate 4 freezer waffles with blueberries and light whipped topping (bad!!!). In my defense, I was emo over Eriq eating my ice cream in its entirety. Really, he's sort of helping my diet, but I wanted Reese's ice cream, dammit! Next time, I'm putting Ex lax in it.

Anyway, since I went overboard at lunch, I tried to make up for it by eating a smallish plate of sauteed asparagus, pearl onions, mushrooms, and tomatoes, with a bit of butter and olive oil and a whole lot of garlic. Nomnom. Not a whole lot of calories, though I know the fats added some, but it was worth it. For dessert I had a Chobani yogurt. Overall, an ok day. Now I'm just letting my food digest and then I'll some sort of work out-I'll take my before pic then!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Beginning My Journey

This is my obligatory intro post. I'm not gonna sugar coat it. I'm chubby. I need to get back into shape. I have started to do this soooo many times and I lose my motivation far too quickly. I am determined to make a permanent change to my life. This is my attempt to make myself stick to my goals, by posting pics, stats, my workouts, my diet, everything. There is a very big chance no one will ever read my blog, and I'm fine with that. But maybe, just maybe, if I actually stick with it, I'll have an awesome journey to share on here and perhaps, I'll inspire someone else to get healthy too!

So to begin with, a little about me. I'm 32, a single mom to 5, who has had far too much stress in her life this last year. I ended up losing 80 pounds (starting weight was 244, ending was 163) by not eating and suddenly working for the first time in 8 years. Mostly the former. I simply could not intake more than a few hundred calories a day. It was extremely unhealthy and I was very worried about myself. Thankfully, time heals all wounds and I also went off of my meds (Adderall, which does affect my appetite) and started eating again. I have since gained back, very slowly over the last year, about 30 of those pounds. I hover right around 190, which is where I did back in the day too. This seems to be my homeostatic weight-the weight I stay at when I'm doing normal activities, like working, and eating fairly healthy but not practicing any portion control and not staying away from junk here and there. At least some of what I gained back was definitely muscle but I'm not in denial, I've gained fat too. Bleh.

In any case, I am moving shortly, my stress level should decrease dramatically over the next few months (at least I hope!), and I will be in a position where I can join the gym again and, hopefully, start Tae Kwon Do again-at the same school I attended as a kid/teen. I will also be able to bike a lot more again as well-it simply isn't safe here in most places. I'm also planning on getting a stationary bike. For now, I'm going to start doing my dvd workouts again as much as I can bring myself to do (I hate them!) and practice as much portion control as I can in a less than ideal time.

My goals are simple: to get into shape, lose enough weight to be in a healthy range again (140-160lbs for me), and learn to eat smaller portions. I already really have the food types down. I only eat junk on occasion and love veggies. How I'm going to achieve this? After I get moved:

-Start off working out 30 minutes a day, no excuses (except illness).
-Work up towards an hour a day, by slowly adding more time to each workout. My basic plan will be a minute per day, but if I happen to feel like going further, I will.
-Learn portion control by utilizing sized containers. I pretty much have to by larger size containers because I have so many kids to feed and a limited food budget. So I'll be utilizing the little ziplock type storage containers to keep my food intake in check.

That's it. I'm not being specific about what I have to do or following any sort of plan. Just trying to cut down on the calories and increase the activity level. It's late tonight and I have to work early, so I won't be starting tonight, but I fully intend on beginning tomorrow. I'll take a first pic for ya'll and upload prior before's/during's/after's. There will be a break in my posting and exercising as I'm going to be driving cross country after a beach trip, and then going camping for 10 days (though hopefully I can start working out again while camping), but I don't want to wait to start this. I need to take control, now.